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We work towards building a better standard of living for the neglected, underprivileged and forsaken people in our society.
Conscious Citizen Forum is a Non Governmental Organization. We are playing important role in the development of a Society. The endeavors for making good living conditions of the neglected, underprivileged and the destitute people. Ours is a Socialist country and our Government thrusts upon the upliftment of the down trodden people and vulnerable section of the Society. But without proper implementing agencies working at the grass roots level provide expert analysis in the field same as early weak up agents and help monitor and implement international agreements.
We also help raise public awareness of issues, play a major role in advancing United Nation goals and objectives and contribute essential information at UN sponsored events. We advocate magnitude of the case of concern to the United Nation. Volunteer resource and execute the same. India Government has enunciated Welfare State and one of the directive principles of State Policy and essentially the Society and Social organizations also have role to play in providing basic needs and amenities to common people and addressing the problems of the down trodden and destitute section of Society and the weaker section. Conscious Citizen Forum is owing well experience, devotee, knowledgeable and technical sound group of volunteers who are performing their role of alert citizen and developing the spirit of social consciousness.
We are also working for the protection and enforce to protect natural rights, human rights, civil and political rights, economic, social and cultural rights, democratic rights, fundamental rights, constitutional rights, RTI etc. we should wake up their consciousness and work for the society with full devotion to their objective endeavor to set forth an example for others. Development of moral character should be given the highest priority.